LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Administrators are proposing tuition increases averaging 2.75% for each of the next two school years for the University of Nebraska system.
University President Hank Bounds said in a news release Friday that most resident undergraduates would pay $5 to $7 more per credit hour for each year.

The Lincoln campus would charge $252 per credit hour for the coming school year and $259 per hour in 2020-21.
The Omaha campus would charge $229 per credit hour for the coming school year and $235 per credit hour in 2020-21.
The Kearney campus would charge $203 per credit hour for the coming year and $209 per hour in 2020-21.
The tuition figures are part of the budget proposal the university Board of Regents will be considering at its June 28 meeting.
The university regents will also consider the proposed tuition increases for students at the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture. The university says the ag college students would pay $3.50 more per credit hour in 2019-20 and $4 more per credit hour in 2020-21.