This week’s clip from our 70th anniversary vault dates from 1982. One of KCOW’s most important roles has been as cheerleader for the community; we enjoy sharing the good news of Alliance and Box Butte County, and encouraging support of local businesses. This public service message was part of a larger campaign that aired throughout 1982 and popped up from time to time in the years since.
Since 1982, Alliance has seen its share of change; the Slagle Public Library was succeeded by the Alliance Learning Center, which houses Alliance’s public library, WNCC classrooms, meeting space and more. The Knight Museum received a major expansion, and the Sallows Conservatory is now home to the Sallows Military Museum.
A rebirth of Alliance’s sunken gardens and pillars is the goal of Pillars for the Park, a local fundraising effort. City officials have taken the first steps in getting the project designed and budgeted.